After wanting to do a supper club from first reading the ticket info for The Underground Restaurant, I'm finally going to do one.
It is going to be called the 'Rodborough Supper Club' as it will be a supper club held in Rodborough, near Stroud in Gloucestershire. For those not familiar with the concept of the supper club, it is a supper served in someone's home where you pay for your meal. RSC will be held in the home of the bestselling romantic novelist Katie Fforde and her husband and anthologist Desmond Fforde. The food will be cooked by me, Frank Fforde, their middle child and by the hostess Heidi Cawley. I should explain further.
Me and Heidi are quite obsessive about food. We have his and her Kitchenaids. We've got thirteen varieties of flour in the cupboard. We even eat all the veg in the veg box- including the beetroot and jerusalem artichokes! RSC is our chance to show off and to share the food and recipes we love. The criteria for inclusion on the menu is that we think it tastes delicious.